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MPSC PSI Recruitment 2017–18 For Post of 750 Police Sub Inspector

MPSC PSI Recruitment

Get complete details concerning MPSC PSI Recruitment from this page!!! To fill up the 750 vacant positions of Police Sub Inspector, selection panel of the Maharashtra Public Service Commission will soon conduct the various selection rounds which are Main Examination, Physical Test and Personal Interview. Job hunters, who want to grab PSI vacancies, must perform well in the selection rounds. 

MPSC PSI Recruitment

Highlights of this Page:
  • MPSC PSI Vacancy
  • Eligibility Details
  • Age limitations 
  • Last date to submit application
Job hunters who want to apply for the MPSC PSI Recruitment 2017–2018 are required to ensure the eligibility criteria. Willing contenders must go through the official website of the Maharashtra Public Service Commission which is and apply through online mode. The last for the submission of the application form is 01/06/2017, so aspirants must apply for this career opening as soon as possible.

MPSC PSI Recruitment

Commission Name
Maharashtra Public Service Commission
Posts Name
Police Sub Inspector
Total Vacancies
Qualification required
Selection process
Main Examination, Physical Test and Interview
Mode of applying
Last Date To Apply 

Eligibility Criteria PSI Jobs 

Going to apply for the Sub Inspector vacancies? Yes so check the qualification requirements here. Applying aspirants for the MPSC PSI Recruitment must have possessed Degree of Bachelors in relevant field from esteemed university or institution with good academic records.

Age limitations 

The age of the applying job hunters must be less than 31 years in case of unreserved category and 34 years for reserved categories. The minimum age limit for applying MPSC PSI Recruitment should be more than 19 years. 

Emoluments Details 

Shortlisted contenders for the MPSC PSI Recruitment will get Rs. 9,300 - 34,800/- + Grade Pay Rs. 4,300/- per month as emoluments. As per rules of Maharashtra Government, candidates will be also admissible for other perks and allowances.

Application Fee
  •   For unreserved category candidates - Rs. 523/-
  •   For reserved category candidates - Rs. 323/-
  • You may application fee by the mean of online payment or Nagri Suvidha Kendra or challan. Online fee can be submitted by (Debit Card/ Net Banking/ Credit Card) and by Challan fee should be submitted in State Bank of India.
 Way To Apply for MPSC PSI Jobs
  •  Job hunters who want to take the benefit of the MPSC PSI Recruitment must visit to the official portal of Maharashtra Public Service Commission that is
  •  After that, candidates should Follow Advertisement No. ‘41/2017’ and press link ‘See Advertisement’.
  • You have to read the complete notification properly and if you are matching with the eligibility condition, go back to previous page.
  • Thereafter select ‘New User Registration’ tab and fill your registration form properly.
  • Thereafter aspirants must login to their account by filling correct information such as user name and password.
  •   Fill the online application form correctly and upload your passport size photo and signature etc as per the requirement.
  • Applicants must pay required application fee through proper channel.
  • At the end, contenders should take out the print of the submitted application for further use.
Important Date

Last date to Apply Online - 01/06/2017


Candidates, hope you get relevant information related to the Arunachal Pradesh PSC Recruitment 2017 from this page. Candidates, who want to know further information about this job notification, may check the above presented official link. Stay connected with us for acquiring more information about upcoming jobs notification in private as well as government sector.


  1. Please tell me how can I apply for the MPSC PSI Recruitment that is recenlty notified in order to recruit the 650 Sub Inspector.


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