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North Eastern Railway Recruitment 2017, (426) RRB Gorakhpur Vacancy! Apply Now!

North Eastern Railway Recruitment

The North Eastern Railways is ready to hire candidates for 426 vacancies; for this regard it has recently announced North Eastern Railway Recruitment 2017. Interested candidates can go through the eligibility and other relevant details that will help you out in accessing RRB Gorakhpur vacancy. Don’t let this golden opportunity pass away, just grab this chance through online application form.
To apply for the below given posts, aspirants need to fill and submit the online application form before the last date that is 10-02-2017. North Eastern Railways recruitment website is also linked here for your convenience. Get to know about salary details, qualification required and all other important stuff that will you’re your way towards a bright career. Take a look at below description..

North Eastern Railway Recruitment

Job Description

Name of Post No. of Vacancies
Commercial Clerk 16
Ticket Collector 46
Technician-III 33
Assistant Loco Pilot 224
Junior Engineer 07
Assistant Station Master 56
Goods Guard 44
Total No. of Vacancies 426

S. No. Department Post Name Qualification Required
1. Commercial Commercial Clerk
Must possess 12th class marksheet or equivalent qualification with not less than 50 percent aggregate marks (Not in case of SC/ST/Ex-serviceman/PWD)
2. Ticket Collector/Ticket Examiner
3. Mechanical Technician-III/Diesel/Elect(DEMU)
Must  hold Matriculation or equivalent qualification with course completed Act Apprenticeship/ITI approved by NCVT/SCVT in relevant discipline
4. Technician-III/Diesel/Elect/Mech(DEMU)
5. Technician-III/Diesel/Elect/Fitter
6. Assistant Logo Pilot
Must be a holder of Matriculation or equivalent with course completed Act Apprenticeship/ITI approved by NCVT/SCVT in the trades of fitter/Electrician/Instrument Mechanic/Millwright Maintenance Mechanic/wireman/Armature and Coil Winder/Heat Engineer/Turner or any other respective discipline
7. Junior Engineer/Drawing Should possess three years of Diploma in respective filed
8. Junior Engineer/C&W
9. Operating Assistant Station Master
Degree from a recognized university or equivalent is required
10. Goods Guard
Age Limitation

Candidates must fall under the right age criteria, fixed as per the norms of North Eastern Railway; candidate should not be less than 18 years and more than the maximum age that depends on the category they belongs-
  • For General Category maximum age is 42 years
  • For OBC category, 45 years
  • And for SC/ST Category candidates, age must not exceed 47 years

Salary Details

Selected candidates are liable to get salary package between Rs. 5,200 – Rs. 20,200 (PB-I & PB II) & Between Rs. 9,300 – Rs. 34,800 on the basis of their post for which they are selected plus grade pay-
  • Commercial Clerk will get grade pay of Rs. 2000/- per month
  • Ticket Collector, Technician-III and Assistant Loco Pilot are entitled to get grade pay Rs. 1900/- per month
  • Junior Engineer will get Rs. 4200/- per month as grade pay
  • Assistant Station Master and Goods Guard are liable to get monthly grade pay of Rs. 2800/-
Selection Process 

Applicants are required to clear the selection process of North Eastern Railway Recruitment. Selection Process may include Computer Test /Written examination Aptitude test, Document verification and medical test. To get selected, candidates need to work hard before facing the subsequent tests.

How To Submit The Online Apply For Application Form
  • Candidates need to visit the official website of organization that is
  • Next, press “Contact Us / Recruitment” that is placed at the top of right side corner of home page
  • A new page will appear, press “RRC” tab
  • Now you will encounter various notification links, choose “General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE)” link
  • On the next page, PDF regarding recruitment will appear, read all the details carefully and make sure you are eligible enough to apply
  • After reading, press “Online Apply” Button and you will encounter another page
  • On that page fill all required details and upload the relevant documents and asked certificates
  • The last step is to hit the “Submit” button and after submitting, get the hard copy of online application form for future use.
Important Date To Remember

Online Application Form Submission Last Date- 10-02-2017

Hope you’ll get to know all about North Eastern Railway Recruitment 2017. To get more updated info regarding latest jobs, stay tuned with us through our web portal.



  1. Sir I am interested to apply against the vacant posts of Radiographer that are notified in the Eastern Railway Recruitment. Can you please provide me detailed procedure regarding the applying procedure and selection procedure for the same.


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