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Food Corporation of India (FCI) Recruitment 2016 – 08 Vacancy – Salary 18,070

Food Corporation of India (FCI) has issued a recruitment notification for the recruitment of Watchmen through recruitment notification. Candidates who have completed 8th can apply for the new recruitment  notification from Food Corporation of India (FCI).

fci jobs

Eligible candidates can apply online for the Job Watchmen on or before  06/06/2016. Find More information about the vacancy like Age limit, Selection Process, Qualification, Application fee, How to apply etc can be found below.

Company Name : Food Corporation of India (FCI)
Vacancy Name : Watchmen
Educational Qualification : Not Pursuing Graduation
Total No Of  Vacancy : 08 Posts
Salary : Rs.8,100-18,070/-per month
Job Location : Across India
Last Date To Apply For This Job :  06/06/2016
Address For The Job Vacancy : Food Corporation of India (FCI), Across India

Detail Of Post:
  •     Qualification : Middle standard passed
  •     No. of Post : 08
  •     Scale of Pay : Rs.8100- 18070
  •     Age Limit : 35 yrs
Selection Procedure:
  •     Candidates can apply on or before  06/06/2016
  •     No Detailed information about the selection process is mentioned in the recruitment notification.
How To Apply?:
  1. Since the recruitment is exclusively for PwD candidates, there is NO APPLICATION FEES. In support of the claim for PwD reservation, attested copy of Disability certificate issued by appropriate authority may be uploaded.
  2. Application can be submitted by a candidate only once for one region only. If a candidate applies for more than one region, his candidature shall be rejected.
  3. Application can be made in online mode only. The last date of applying (online mode) is 06.06.2016. The candidate has to fill all the details online, and upload all relevant documents in support of his/her candidature.
  4.  The online application window can be accessed at from 9.00 A.M. on 15.05.16 till 5.00 PM on 06.06.16.
  5. The online admit card shall be generated on the above website i.e., 7 days prior to the date of the written exam. The candidates are advised to carry the print-out of the admit card for attending the exam
  6. The Management reserves the right to change the Date of Examination and the centres and the details of such changes shall be uploaded on the website. The candidates are advised to check the portal for any such changes. There shall be no separate intimation to the candidates.
  7. Interested candidates should apply Online. Tentative Schedule : Start date of Online Application- 15.05.2016 Last date for online submission of application- 06.06.2016 Date of Uploading of Admit Card- 12.06.2016 Date of examination- 19.06.2016.


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