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Maharashtra State Board Result 2015 Class 10 and Class 12 will be Live Today 27 May At 1:00 PM

Maharashtra State Board of Secondary (MSBSE) and Maharashtra State Board of Higher Secondary (MSBHSE) will announce the result on 27th May 2015, Wednesday around at 1:00 PM.

As per latest update result for secondary and Higher secondary of Maharashtra State Board 2015 will be available today i.e. May 27 2015. This time there are more than 13 Lakh students which appeared in Maharashtra Board HSC exam (MSBSHSE) 2015.

Maharashtra Board works very fluently as exam was scheduled in March for HSC Board and now this is time when result is going to declare. Students can check Maharashtra HSC Result 2015 results at official website online which is or

As there will be huge traffic over web for gtting information about Maharashtra HSC Result 2015, so students can also check their result over other websites too like Amarujala, Dainik Bhaskar, Jagranjosh, Daily News and Analysis and many more. These websites give real time result information too and which are 100% accurate.

If we talk about result of last year then there were13, 37, 114 students who had cleared result in year 2014 for the Maharashtra Board Class 12th Exam. These students were mixed of MAH HSC including science stream, Art stream, Commerce stream and also of Vocational Stream.

Last Year in 2014 Maharashtra HSC Result was declared on 2nd June. And it was expected to get Maharashtra HSC Result 2015 on same day but it will be announce soon today around 1:00 PM.

Bookmark result page and check your result without delaying.

All The Best for Your Result!


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