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Asst.Engineer/Asst.Scientific Officer/Asst.Officer

Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL) Recruitment of Asst.Engineer, Asst.Scientific Officer January 2015

Experience :Freshers

Job Location :Hyderabad

Eligibility:BSc, BE/B.Tech, LLB, MSc, Diploma, BA

Last Date: 17-02-2015

Hindustan Aeronautics Jobs

Age : Upper age limit is 35 years as on 01.01.2015

Note : The candidates possessing the Qualifications at Sl.No.(Vi) should secure a minimum of 60% Marks, in aggregate, of all the semesters/ year Or corresponding CGPA Ratings/ Gradations in their Qualifying examinations

Application Fee : The application fee is Rs.500/? which is non?refundable (exempted in case of SC/ST/PWD category). The application fee is to be sent in the form of crossed Demand Draft drawn on any Nationalized Bank (preferably State Bank of India) in favour of ‘Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Hyderabad’, payable at Hyderabad.  The Demand Draft should have been obtained between the period 28.01.2015 and 17.02.2015. Application fee will not be refunded under any circumstances, even if the candidate is ineligible at the time of applying or rejection of application etc. Therefore before forwarding the application, candidates are required to ensure that they meet all the eligibility criteria

Service Bond : The selected candidates will undergo a structured training for a period of 16 weeks.  At the time of joining the selected candidates will be required to execute a bond to serve the Company for a period of two years after confirmation in the regular rolls of the Company or reimburse the actual remuneration paid and expenses incurred (including for the training) subject to a maximum of Rs.2,00,000/? (Rupees two lakhs only).

Selection Process : Candidates shortlisted based on the marks/percentage in the qualifying examination would be called for  Written Test. The Written Test will be held at Hyderabad only. The written test will be Objective Type and 2 ½ hours duration.The test will be in three parts. Part?I will consist of 20 questions on General Awareness. Part?II will consist of 40 questions on English & Reasoning. Part?III will consist of 100 questions on the concerned discipline. No negative marks. Candidates shortlisted based on the performance in the Written Test only be called for Interview in the ratio of 1:5(Maximum). Date, Time and Venue of the Written Test / Interview will be intimated to the shortlisted/eligible candidates by E-mail/HAL Website / by post.

Assistant Engineer job vacancies in Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL)


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